Whether or not you celebrate the Lenten season of fasting in preparation for Easter, Pączki Day (celebrated on Fat Tuesday) offers the perfect opportunity to enjoy the delicious Polish dessert.
What Are Pączki?
Pączki is the plural form of pączek, a Polish jelly-filled doughnut. However, these treats are much more rich and... [read more]
If you find yourself agreeing when Jordan Baker utters the famous quote, “I like large parties. They’re so intimate. At small parties there isn’t any privacy,” in The Great Gatsby, then you’re in luck this New Year’s Eve, Old Sport. The Ambassador Hotel is hosting a Roaring 20’s New Year’s... [read more]
For many people, it's simply not the holiday season until they've taken in a performance of The Nutcracker. This classic Christmas ballet is a fanciful blend of familiar music and a delightful tale shared through captivating choreography. Don't miss your chance to experience one of the loveliest productions of this... [read more]
Do you ever find it difficult to get into the spirit of the season? If you spend a lot of time working, taking care of your family, and handling all of your other responsibilities, it can be a challenge to feel the real spirit of Christmas right away. If that’s... [read more]
Fourth of July is the highlight of the summer. It’s a chance to celebrate the country, your community, and everything that makes summer great. Have you made plans for how you are going to spend the fourth this year? If you don’t yet have a game plan, you may want... [read more]